You are currently viewing LEATHER & MX | 22.02.2025

LEATHER & MX | 22.02.2025


If you are on this page, it is because the smell of leather, whether BLUF or racing, or the view on a good pair of racing boots, motocross boots or high leather boots makes you love it! You’re not the only one! Whether you’re a biker or not, it doesn’t matter! Only the fetish side is!

Come and relax in a friendly place without judgment and with kindness, be yourself, meet other fetish guys, create friendships, have fun!

Aperitifs are systematically served during our evenings, as well as health prevention materials!

If you like the kinky social side, then this evening is for you!

available places
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How it works during parties?

  • Door opens at 9 p.m. (if you arrive before, wait 9 p.m. in your car)
  • We reserve the right not to allow you access if your favorite outfit does not respect the dress code of the evening
  • The consumption of narcotics (in any form whatsoever) is prohibited during the evening, under penalty of exclusion.
  • The organizers may decide to no longer serve you alcoholic drinks. Please respect their decision
  • Kindness, respect, smile, consent are the key words during the evening. If you notice any deviant behavior, please contact the organizers immediately.
  • Only the organizers are authorized to take photos during the evening. These photos can be used to show the different outfits on any marketing material. Faces will be blurred unless you agree to be shown with your face uncovered.

Registration to the party :

    First name :

    Your kinky profile is visible on (choose 1 option) :

    * if you choose “None”, you’ll be contacted by phone for validation

    Your pseudo for your previous choice :

    Contact informations bellow are importants if we need to contact you (confirmation of your registration, cancellation of the party, newsletter about parties, etc…)

    Mobile phone :

    Email :

    If you come with a friend, please give us his informations :

    First name of your friend:
    Phone number of your friend:

    All information transmitted through the form will not be transmitted/resold/assigned to third parties. Your e-mail address will be used to confirm your participation to the evening (check your SPAM folder if you do not receive it), to notify you if the event is cancelled, to inform you of current events association and its evenings.