You are currently viewing FETISH RIDE | 06.07.2025

FETISH RIDE | 06.07.2025


Get your bike and leather ready… we’re going for a ride!

For its 4th edition, the SGF Club is preparing a wonderful route for you! The plan: ride, have dinner, ride some more, and then… keep riding… alright, we’ll also plan for pee breaks, smoke breaks, and photos 🙂

We limit the registrations to 10 bikes maximum for safety and road organization reasons!

In general, we start at 10 AM and finish the fetish ride around 4 PM.

“L” riders are welcome, as we generally ride soft!

available places

How the fetish ride works?

  • Your bike must be in good working order and insured.
  • We disclaim any responsibility in case of issues encountered on the road.
  • We ask that you do not exceed speed limits, perform wheelies, or engage in any other demonstrations incompatible with group riding.
  • Whenever possible, let’s try to ride in a staggered formation.
  • We ask participants not to engage in sexual activities during stops during the motorcycle ride.

Registration to the fetish ride:

    First name :

    Your profile on (please choose 1 option) :

    * if you choose “None”, you will be contacted by phone for validation

    Your nickname for your previous choice :

    Informations bellow are very important if we need to contact you and for the organisation of the ride (cancellation in case of bad waether, etc…)

    Phone number :

    Email :

    Brand of your bike :

    Cylinder of your bike : cm3

    Do you have a final driving licence ?

    All information transmitted through the form will not be transmitted/resold/assigned to third parties. Your e-mail address will be used to confirm your participation to the evening (check your SPAM folder if you do not receive it), to notify you if the event is cancelled, to inform you of current events association and its evenings.